Up and Coming Interviews

up-and-coming-300The Up and Coming Interview podcast does what it says on the tin, well, icon. In Ear hunts out ‘up and coming’ creatives and talks to them about what they are doing and why.

We look into what drives these people and how they work.

The format isn’t set or scripted. It’s a chat between the Up and Coming talent and Mark Chatterley who is fascinated by passion. This can lead to anything and everything being discussed.

You can subscribe to the Up and Coming Interview podcast by adding its feed to any podcatcher you use: https://www.inearentertainment.com/feed/up-and-coming

Or you can subscribe through iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/up-and-coming-interviews/id714876205

Do keep an eye out for special episodes which will be broadcast live and with video.

If you would like to be on the Up and Coming Interview podcast or know someone who would, do contact us.

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