Have you ever wanted the ability to alter the world around you? To have the very nature of existence bend to your whims? After listening to our up and coming audiobook you may change your mind.
We have been working with Exquisite Death author Anthony J Rapino to bring you an exclusive novella set in his ‘Moon Hill’ universe. And let us tell you, it is brilliant.
Reality Engineers is due to be released on Halloween – I mean, why not? It was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. But where is it within our processes at the moment?
Well it’s been edited by one of our amazing Editors and a final version has been produced by Anthony. We are in the final stages of signing an actor to read the novella and we already have our recording days sorted.
About this time last week we sent the novella to an amazing artist we work with called Michelle Harvey who is working on the cover art. Recently she sent us through three quick sketches for us to choose a cover image to be fully developed. Take a look at the sketches below.
- Is it a bird? Is it a… What the hell is that?
- You’ve got red on you.
- It’s a gift… For you.
Let us know what you think in the comments below.
We now have to pick one of those for Michelle to develop into a fully inked and computerised file.
We’ll bring you updates as this happens so you can see this process. We are also considering opening this audiobook up for pre-orders, is that something that would interest you? Again, let us know below.